About Us...

Zion’s Daughter Dance Ensemble, Inc., is a Christian based community outreach youth/teen/young adult and adult dance ministry. This ministry was called into existence by God and given as a vision to Minister Marjorie B. Gorham (established January, 2009). Its members are comprised of dancers from various churches and open to those who have a desire to take dance to a higher level of Worship. The ministry provides service in dance throughout the Washington Metropolitan area.
Our mission is to teach each dancer how to praise God with their bodies so that through them the Gospel message might
be proclaimed. Each dancer is taught that through every piece of choreography, the Holy Spirit should move as they use
their gifts and talents to serve others while God is being praised. Dancers receive biblical instructions and spiritual
teachings, with a focus on Reaching Out, Lifting Up and Holding On to God and His Kingdom.
The gift of dance and worship is nurtured and developed in our dancers to empower them as they blossom into self-sufficient, confident young women; while impacting the community through the art of dance, enhancing the church body and enriching God’s Kingdom. Zion’s Daughters Dance Ensemble, Inc., is family oriented and was created out of love not only for our dancers but also their families.
We are affiliated with the International Association of Blacks in Dance, The People for Change Coalition, partners with Inspiration Ministries in Charlotte, NC and The International Dance Commission in Atlanta, GA.
Minister Marjorie Gorham-Jones has embraced the Women of Purpose Adult Community Dance Ministry (established August, 2010) for adults and acting upon her vision the Little Angels of Praise Dance Ministry (established February, 2014). In addition, a new entity under the Zion's Daughters Dance Ensemble Inc. ® umbrella the Circle of Sisters Mentoring Program (established 2014). Minister Gorham has always believed that we need to speak to the enrichment of each dancer. This faith based mentoring program will develop a sisterhood for girls ages
6 - 12 years old as they transition into teens, teenagers and young adults ages 13 - 22 years old, and as they transition into young women. The program will seek to enhance their personal development and be a supportive service to assist them in overcoming the challenges they face, and equip them to become self-sufficient, positive and productive individuals in their families, churches, schools and communities.